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Mastering C++: From Beginner to Advanced with Modern C++20 and Multithreading

Mastering C++: From Beginner to Advanced with Modern C++20 and Multithreading

Introduction to C++ Fundamentals

C++ is a powerful, versatile language. Start with the basics, like variables, data types, arithmetic operations, and basic I/O. These are your building blocks.

Designing Custom Types

Learn to design your own types. Classes, structures, unions, and enumerations let you model real-world entities and their behaviors.

Understanding Modularity

Organize your code with namespaces, source files, and headers. The C++20 Modules feature brings new ways to structure your programs effectively.

Diving into Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

C++ shines with OOP. Understand classes, constructors, member functions, and overloading to build reusable, maintainable code.

Mastering Essential Operations

Get to grips with copy and move semantics. These concepts are crucial for efficient C++ programming, underpinning the Rule of Three/Five.

Harnessing the Power of Templates

Templates enable generic programming. You can write flexible, type-safe code without performance compromises.

Exploring C++20 Concepts and Generic Programming

C++20 introduces Concepts to enforce compile-time type safety, refining your generic programming practices.

Familiarizing with the C++ Standard Library

The C++ Standard Library offers a wealth of tools—containers, algorithms, and utilities—that make coding easier and more efficient.

Mastering Strings and Regular Expressions

Strings are fundamental. Understand string operations, explore string_view introduced in C++17, and harness the power of regular expressions for text processing.

Navigating I/O Streams

I/O streams in C++ provide powerful mechanisms for input and output. Learn to use them efficiently for formatted I/O operations.

Achieving Container Proficiency

C++ containers like vector, list, and map are essential for managing collections of data. Master these to handle data effectively.

Understanding Algorithms

Learn how algorithms work with containers and iterators to perform complex operations with minimal code.

Leveraging C++ Utilities

C++ offers smart pointers, time/date utilities, and more. These tools help manage resources and simplify tasks.

Concurrency and Parallelism

Dive into multithreading with C++. Learn about threads, tasks, and synchronization mechanisms to build high-performance, concurrent applications.

100+ Coding Exercises

Apply your knowledge with over 100 coding exercises. Hands-on practice ensures you internalize what you’ve learned.


Mastering C++20 and its modern features is a game-changer. From fundamental concepts to advanced multithreading, this journey will equip you with the skills needed to build robust, efficient applications.


1. Who should take this course? Beginners and experienced programmers wanting to learn modern C++.

2. What prerequisites are there? Basic programming awareness is expected.

3. Will I learn multithreading? Yes, the course covers concurrency and parallelism.

4. Is this course suitable for interview preparation? No, it’s focused on C++ development skills.

5. What makes this course stand out? Comprehensive coverage, practical exercises, and a focus on modern C++ practices.

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